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As a purchaser of an Annual Access Pass with Yuba Anglers YOA you agree to the below Use Policy and Liability Waiver regarding any time you spend on the Yuba Anglers YOA property, or the Yuba River when accessed via the property. This policy also covers any guests you bring to the Yuba Anglers YOA property. 


Use Policy

  • Your pass gives you gated access, 4x4 required.

  • You may bring one fishing guest, 2 rods maximum per day including you. Up to two other family members are welcome, but only 2 rods.

  • You may put in your drift boat or pontoon boat on the property boat launch. 
    The boat take out is on private property under the Hwy 20 bridge. Do not take out prior to that.  Access details and directions will be provided once we confirm your payment.


  • No camping.  

  • Day use only for fishing, floating, picnicking, hiking, wading, etc.

  • Pack out ALL trash.

  • Use the toilet on the property.  Do not go to the bathroom anywhere else on the property, in the wild or on the Yuba River.

  • No fires, no fireworks. 

  • No offroad vehicles, no ATVs or dirt bikes

  • No guns or weapons of any kind, including air rifles

  • No trespassing on adjacent properties. Stay on the designated property per the map provided.

  • Follow all CA DFW fishing regulations for this section of the Yuba

These rules are strictly enforced.  Anyone breaking any of these rules may be subject to Pass revocation without refund and/or legal action.


Liability Waiver

I acknowledge that I have been advised and fully understand that my access to and activities I undertake via the Yuba Anglers YOA property expose me to certain hazards and risks which are beyond the control of Yuba Anglers and Yuba Outdoor Adventures, LLC and it’s staff, affiliates, owners, operators and any other person related to Yuba Anglers or Yuba Outdoor Adventures, LLC. 


These risks include, but are not limited to, serious personal injury, death, and loss of, theft of, or damage to property, unpredictable environmental conditions/hazards including, but not limited, to lightning and unexpected extreme weather conditions, floods, fire, drowning, insect, snake and animal bites and stings, heat or sun-related injuries or illnesses, and any hazards present in the wilderness such as, but not limited to, low lying branches, sharp objects, slippery surfaces, dangerous plants. 


As a condition of my access via the Yuba Anglers YOA Annual Access Pass and entry and of any activities I and my guests may engage in on the property, I agree to assume full responsibility for all the risks that such access or activities may entail. My participation, access and actions are entirely voluntary, and I elect to participate with full knowledge of the inherent risks. 


In consideration of my participation and access via the Yuba Anglers YOA Annual Access Pass, I hereby voluntarily elect to assume all risks of loss, theft of or damage to any property or any injury, including death, and I hereby knowingly and freely release and agree to hold harmless and indemnify Yuba Anglers and Yuba Outdoor Adventures, LLC and it’s staff, affiliates, owners, operators, Directors, Officers, employees, volunteers and any other person related to Yuba Anglers or Yuba Outdoor Adventures, LLC. from any and all liability, claims, demands or causes of action whatsoever by reason of any damage, loss, exposure, or injury or death arising out of my participation and access including any act or omission or negligence or strict liability in obtaining, rendering or failing to obtain first aid or any kind of emergency medical care. 


I understand this is a full Release and Waiver of Liability shall be fully binding on the spouse, guests, family, heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns of the purchaser of the Yuba Anglers YOA Annual Access Pass.

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